Matériel mobile de traitement des eaux chargés d'overspray de peinture
Centrale d’épuration des boues de peintures sur cabine à rideau d’eau ou fosses de relargage.
Pour plus d’information sur notre produit, télécharger notre fiche technique au format PDF
Sur options
- Mobile plant for the purification of sludge, residues and more generally suspended matter after flocculation on baths loaded with solid particles (paints – varnishes – glues – inks – emulsions – etc.).
- Solution for the elimination and drying of paint sludge from paint booths and pits, particularly solvated or water-soluble paints.
- Dimensions:
- Length: 605mm
- Width: 1180mm
- Height: 2160mm
- Weight:
260 kg
- Pump flow:
500 to 5000 liters / hour
- Filter bag capacity:
1000 kgs
- Filter bag flow rate:
from 50 to 300 l/h depending on the state of the sludge
- Pumping depth:
4 meters
- Capacity of the retention tank:
190 liters
Sur options
- system for capturing suspended sludge from baths.
- EPUR-OIL or EPUR-WATER: Equipment to optimize treatment following application